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This p年龄 provides an overview of institutional planning at LAVC. Major college plans and resources for the district and state are provided. 有关规划的其他信息或与制定机构计划相关的资源,请联系机构效率办公室.

Los Angeles Valley College 制度的有效性 Logo

2009年春天, 校园评估并修改了其规划流程和参与式治理结构,以简化流程并加强参与规划和决策的委员会之间的联系. 学院继续评估其年度和全面的项目审查过程,同时实施基础设施来支持这一过程. LAVC规划结构与参与式治理结构相结合. In addition to other committee responsibilities, 每个二级规划委员会负责审查方案审查模块的趋势,以便进行机构规划.

的 program 审查 is based on a streamlined process, using modules as the component of the program 审查 and planning process. Departments and 项目 evaluate their effectiveness, 确定的需求, and set goals during the program 审查 process. 然后将程序审查模块分发给审查委员会和高级职员进行资源分配, institutional planning and other decision-making efforts.

Strategic Priorities (approved 2020)


的 strategic priorities link the 任务, 核心价值观, 教育总体规划, and other institutional plans and processes. 看到 战略重点.

教育总体规划 (EMP) 2020-2026

教育总体规划是学院的中心规划文件,反映了学院的使命, 愿景, 及核心价值观. 教育总体规划详细说明了与学院教育目标相关的所有学术和教育规划目标. 皇冠官网网站的教育总体规划(2020-2026)详细说明了学院将追求的战略方向,以迎接未来六年将面临的挑战和机遇


Goal 2: Promote campus and community eng年龄ment.

Goal 3: Maximize institutional effectiveness by ensuring financial stability, 增加访问, and committing resources to cultivate and support student learning.

教育策划委员会负责监察及修订LAVC的教育总体规划. 作为过程的一部分, EPC is also responsible for 审查ing the insitutional 任务, 愿景和核心价值观.

教育总体规划 2014-2020

LAVC's 教育总体规划 aligns with the Los Angeles Community College 区's Strategic Plan - 愿景 2017 and the 2013 California Community Colleges System Strategic Plan . 每年, 校园向校董会就书院成效报告(2014, 2013, 2012*, 2011, 2010, 2009), 其他问责指标及更新与地区策略计划(2014)相关之策略计划目标之现况, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010).

* No Effectiveness Report was disseminated, the colleges received a report on comparative data for 区 Strategic Plan.

To further ensure the link between the campus plans and the district plans, the college is represented on district committees for decision-making and planning




Foster student completion by supporting a learning-centered environment

Teaching and Learning for Success: Strengthen effective teaching and learning by providing a learner centered educational environment; help students attain their goals of 证书 and degree completion, 转移, and job training and career placement; increase equity in the achievement of these outcomes.



Increase equity by identifying gaps in achieving outcomes (转移, 大专文凭, 证书, 等.) and implement effective models and programming to minimize gaps.

Access and Preparation for Success: Improve equitable access; help students attain important early educational momentum points.


Through the College’s shared governance structures, maximize institutional effectiveness through evaluation of environmental, 人类, 物理, technological and financial resources.

组织效率:通过基于数据的计划和决策来提高组织效率, 过程评估, 专业发展.

资源与合作:增加收入来源并使其多样化,以达到并维持财政稳定,并支持地区的各项计划. 增强, 加强, and maintain mutually beneficial external partnerships with business, 劳动, 以及大洛杉矶地区的工业和其他社区和民间组织.

系统有效性:通过沟通和协调提高系统有效性, 监管改革, 以及绩效评估.


机构评估指南(IAG)阐述了学院的评估理念和计划. 这包括:
• Relevant accreditation standards
• Process for establishing SLOs, program outcomes (PSLOs), 以及服务成果
• Process for assessing SLOs, PSLOs, 以及服务成果
• Means of assessment to produce quality data
• How to conduct a student learning outcomes assessment cycle (SLOAC) for courses, 项目, 以及服务成果
• Links between the SLOAC and planning


  • LAVC Student Equity Plan (2019-2022)
  • Student Equity and Achievement Plan (SEAP) Metrics



的 Los Angeles Valley Technology Committee is pleased to present the 2020-2025 LAVC 科技计划. 学院认识到,技术计划将指导一项复杂的事业在不断变化的环境中以有限的资源实施. 结果是, it has to be a fluid plan that is subject to ongoing evaluation, 审查, 和修订, using the institution’s established Shared Governance process. 2020年皇冠官网网站技术计划分为以下七个部分:

  1. 教育技术
  2. 安全
  3. 基础设施
  4. 技术支持
  5. 资金
  6. 培训
  7. 508年合规


2012-2017 LAVC 科技计划

的LAVC 设施总体规划 制定改善校园设施的改造和建设计划. 的 LACCD obtained two bond measures about the time we finished our 2002年总体规划. Using elements from the 2002 Master Plan, 以及楼宇使用者小组和设施总体规划委员会的意见, a 设施 Plan was developed for the creation of the new buildings. 的 2003 设施 Master Plan Update for Proposition A/AA, and a 2010 设施 Master Plan Update for Measure J. 当前项目的列表, 我们建筑的进展, and a map of the new construction is available at the following link: f85nd.elahomecollection.com/revitalizingvalley/



LAVC 2007年的自我学习和实地考察产生了建议和规划议程项目,学院努力在其规划工作和日常活动中解决. As the institution begins its Self Evaluation for 2013, LAVC将继续使用ACCJC标准和学院制定的计划评估机构实践. 有关认证状态和报告的更多信息,请访问LAVC认证网站.